Saturday, November 17, 2007
I can't belive this is is happening but I actually got back on my blog. I have been unable to get here for months. It would never let me sign on and now here I am. I am totally stunned. In fact I am speechless and that is a first.
I havn't been here since May and a lot has happened. My baby girl turned 2 in june, my hubby turned 35 in June, we did a little camping in july and saw the sights around town. One of my dayhome kids lost his dad very suddenly to cancer in August and that was really hard. He is no longer comming to our home as his mom had to put him in a registered dayhome so she could get subsidy. Our basement troll Sally moved out at the end of August and good friends came to visit. My mom and dad came out also for a visit and my mom is now 50lbs lighter and SMOKIN' HOT. My son started grade 1 and is gone from me all day. I have no more dayhome kids except for 1 little girl in grade with my son and it's only after school for a couple of hours. Yahoo!!! I lead 3 meetings a week now for Weight Watchers all on Wednesday. My baby girl and I are together all day and love our time alone. I get to go to the gym at least 3 times a week now and I am loving that. I went to England for ten days with one of my best friends Tracy and we had an amazing time. I have to travel to edmonton at least every 5-6 weeks now for hair, I am that busy (thanks to tracy and renea). Craig and Mary had a baby last friday and he is gorgeous and we couldn't be happier for them. Tracy also had hers, so did Allison, Adrianna, and now we are waiting for Jen the Mom to have hers. Keep up the good work friends, the more you do the less attention gets put on me.
Life is pretty crazy but it's my life and I love it. People are always telling me to slow down and not work so much but I think if I did I would probably die, (of boredom at least)
Well I am just so excited to be here again and I will return very soon.
I hope some one reads this and missed me if not well that will teach me to be away for so long.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I'm soooo sorry to have abandoned everyone for so long I have had the hardest time trying to get on my blog. I was having password issues and it would not let me post.
Well I'm back and have had a ver busy few weeks.
Update #1
Florida was AMAZING!!!! It's was truly the best week I've had in years and no I am not exagerating one little bit. I want to make it an annual thing every year whether it's to Florida or anywhere else I don't care. I can't really say we did anything to terribly exciting but I can say we rested and relaxed and slept and didn't have to feed or entertain anyone but ourselves. We didn't watch any cartoons or eat anything that came with a toy. We stayed up late and ate ice cream at midnight and breakfast for lunch and came and went as we pleased. We shopped and shopped and shopped and then when we felt like it we shopped a little more. I have never spent so much at one time in my life and it was soooooo fun. My little girl is the best dressed 2 yr old ever. I came home tanned and little crispy in parts and they are almost recovered now. Who knew the crease of your bum could burn so bad and make life so uncomfortable. My traveling companions were the best girls ever to be with. We all got along we all agreed on everything and I would go away with any of them anytime. I took lots of pictures and I will post them asap I promise.
Update #2
I came home to absolute chaos. Not with my family but my hair business obviously missed me. I havn't stopped working since I walked in the door two weeks ago. That will teach me to go on holidays. It's nice to be needed by others then just my family. It was good to be busy but I think I need another vacation.
Update #3
I discovered Facebook. I thought it was so dumb when I first heard about it and then Tricia informed me who I could contact on it and now I'm hooked. I found an old friend that I was glued to my last 2 years of high school and I can't wait to hook up again.
Update #4
I have fallen off the Weight Watcher band wagon. I need to get my motivation back, I havn't gained more then a couple of lbs but I feel gross and need to get back to being nicer to my body. I joined the Goodlife gym at Superstore and I love it there and the daycare is great. My kids love it and they will also watch them for me while I grocery shop, how great is that. I also get unlimited tanning in my membership so my Florida tan is here to stay for awhile.
Other then that now much else is happening, Jen the mom and I are having a joint garage sale this saturday and hopefully that will pay off some of Florida. It should make for an interesting day anyway. Well I'm off to cut more hair so I will see you soon.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
My Handy Work!!
So I tell everyone I'm a pretty good hairdresser and I like to think that I'm not to bad but here's the proof folks. These are my two friends Tracy and Renea from Edmonton. I spent Easter weekend making them both over. Tracy was a challenge because she is A) Pregnant and always wanting change (I can handle that) B) running out of hair to change (I refuse to cut it really short) C) Were heading out on holidays soon and being the only pregnant one she needs to be hotter then us because she can't shop for new clothes while were away so hair it has to be. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, the back is actually inverted and so the layers in the back are many and she can wear it curly, strait, flipped out or under and the bangs were a really cute addition. We went with blond highlights because it's warming up and tracy looks HOT as a blond in the summer with her gorgeous Tan she always gets. She is on hot momma if I do say.
Renea was also a challenge. She has a BUTT LOAD of hair and it takes me about 3 to 3 1/2 hours to do the whole process. Not to mention we didn't start coloring her hair until about 11:00PM on Friday night. We were done buy 2:00 AM though, not bad on my end. We had been coloring her quite red with some blond highlights for quite awhile and it was time for a change. We took her back to a dark brown and loaded her up with lots and lots of blond. Her hubby loves her blond and I have to admit so do I. She has come a long way with me this year. She also let me wax her brows not that long ago and let me tell you there was a beautiful girl under those brows. It was a lot of work that weekend but here is the final result and I was quite pleased. You both look amazing and I'm looking forward to flauting you both off in Florida. If you think these two look good you should see what I did to Reanna, Renea's little sister, I promise to get a shot of her next time. What I won't do toTracy with the short cut I happily did to Reanna.
Friday, April 13, 2007
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Weight Watchers Leader
2. Hairdresser (self employed)
3. Day Home Provider
4. CIR Realtors Receptionist
B) Four places I have lived:
1. Spruce Grove AB
2. Surrey B.C.
3. New Westminster BC
4. Calgary AB
C) Four TV SHOWS I love to Watch:
1. Numbers (the nerd math guy is CUTE)
2. Sex and the City
3. Friends
4. CSI
D) Four places I have been on vacation
1. Salsburg Austria (I was 17)
2. Banff ( My honeymoon)
3. California ( as a kid )
4. Florida ( as of may 5th it will be official )
E) Four foods I like:
2. Rice Cakes ( BBQ )
3. Lettuce Wraps ( frm Joeys )
4. Warm Cookies from the oven
F) Four places where I would rather be right now:
1. Florida with the girls
2. Spa
3. Asleep in my bed
4. Did I mention Florida
G) Four Hobbies or Games I enjoy:
1. Scrapbooking
2. Reading
3. Girls nights
4. Karaoke
H) Top four moments of my life:
1. Getting Married
2. Having my Children
3. Buying our first home
4. Booking a trip to Florida with no kids comming along.
Four friends I think will respond:
1. Hopefully Tracy because she is the only one who will find my Florida ranting funny.
2. Someone who can't think of what to blog today
3. Jen will because Tag your it.
4. Allison guess what Tag your it too. Ha Ha girls
I don't usually do stuff like this but I'm having one of those avoid the rooms where chldren might be. So I hope you enjoy.
I have been blessed with friends who love me and look out for me. I like to think that I am a pretty low maintenance friend and don't require to much attention alot of the time. So when I have friends who need me emotionaly a little more then usual it's not really that big of a deal, but then why am I so danged overwhelmed by everyone else's lives.
I am a mother to two lovely kids so why am I forever feeling like I need to mother everyone else around me. I know that most of these people don't even care what my opinions for them may be but sometimes when I see people I care about making such STUPID choices I can't help but get frustrated that the obvious is right there and they are missing it completly.
So the question I pose is this... Why do I or we as women care so much? Why do I constantly think I have to take care of everyone and there kids and keep them fed and loved and coddled half of the time. These people have mothers and some even have sisters to do that for them. Why can I not just detach myself and say that it's none of my buisness and I don't need to be responsible for what goes on in there lives. Why do I care. I have always belived that I was a caring individual and I want to continue being that way but I just don't think I need to be lying awake at night pondering everyone elses problems especially when they don't even think they have a problem. I have the problem and I'm not sure how to change my inability to not get involved. Maybe I'm just nosey and need to feel involved, I don't know.
Help me Dr. Phil!!!!!!
Monday, April 09, 2007
On last wednesday night I attended my Weight Watcher meeting as usual and was chatting with my receptionists when I hear one of the girls say... "Look out were being observed". I turned around to see one of my W.W. peers standing at my door wanting to be let in. Sure enough I was to be observed that very night. Oh Crap!! Well she couldn't have picked a better night to come I have to say I was on that night.
Our meeting topic was handling holiday food and situations. I was also giving away the easter basket I had made and that was also the night I gave away all the point info on the candy. Well talk about well informed. It was the biggest meeting I had ever had and my members were fantastic. They were funny and chaty and most of the meeting was them helping each other I just had to steer the conversation the right way. Well the observer was thrilled with my meeting and had only good things to say and she moved me up the ladder to a Leader 2 postition. I now make commision on my members that attend my meeting and can move onto my next level of training.
I felt sooooo good after that meeting that I really knew why I do this job. I love to help people lose weight and feel good about themselves but I also just love my members. They are my family now and I can't imagine a week without them.
Yes that's right 41/2 lbs of stress and weekend hoildaying have been added onto this butt of mine and I am feeling a little remorse. Yet I still have a hard time with not wanting to eat all the candy I can find. Somethings never change and me and emotional eating are here to stay.
Our Easter weekend was not quite what I expected but there were some great moments that's for sure. I arrived late thursday night to the Brown home where I was greeted by the ever lovely Tracy and her luscious Sex in a Pan just waiting for my arrival. We were up until 2 am doing her hair which I must say turned out really cute. You have to understand Tracy is pregnant with baby #4 and gets bored rather quickly with her hair. It's a good thing I have a good imagination because pretty soon she's gonna end up bald. But this time we found a keeper I hope, even though her sweet hubby doesn't like it. too bad.
I worked all friday and dragged myself to bed at 2 am again after another rousing evening of hair and laughter with friends. I even taught Tracy how to foil her sisters hair and that was a hoot to watch. I must say though she did an awesome job and I am very proud of her.
Saturday we spent with Great-Grandma making apple pie. My son was so excited to help His Great-grandma make pie and she loved the time together. I have lots of pictures to show you and I promise to get them up this week. We then spent some more time with the Brown family at west ed. mall at the amusement park. The boys had a great time and we wore them all out quite quickly. Then the evening's entertainment was spent at a very nice resturant and then dancing at the lounge. We always have a good time when were all together and it feels so good to just let loose and be ourselves. That night didn't end until 1:00 am and I was really feeling it by the time we got back to the in-laws.
The next morning we decided we were ready to head home. Grandma and Grandpa were not interested in anything fun to do with the kids so we came home for our egg hunt and and just relaxed together in our own home. The kids were good all weekend and now my Florida trip is all paid for. The Boys leave this Saturday and they are really really excited.
Thank you Brown Family for making our Easter weekend enjoyable if it hadn't been for you it would have been a real drag of a time but you always know how to make the days exciting. Especially with Jamie and his coupon book. See you soon
Thursday, April 05, 2007
I have had the lousyest couple of weeks I ahve had in a long time. I am overworked, underpaid, extremly tired and really tired of kids, work, demands and constant reminders of things I keep forgetting I have said I would do.
Then I have an incident with a family member and now I'm being asked " what happend to the compassionate Tammy we all used to know " well to tell you the truth I probably ate her!!!
I know I can be little short lately and well you try my life for awhile and see if you don't keep things short and to the point. I'm not a bad person but I just don't have the patience to sugar coat everything anymore. I'm sorry if I have hurt anyones feelings but life is black and white and if I don't see your grey ideas then to bad. I have grown up and maybe I do need to lilghten up a little bit sometimes, but I do alot for the people in my life and when I get slapped with guilt trips then I just don't have time for that.
The only person I really feel sorry for is my poor hubby. He gets the brunt of most things. He doesn't deserve that and I kbow he can't wait to go to Florida and escape his nutso wife for a few days. Maybe by the time he comes home I can saw off some of the horns and find his sweet compassionate wife that he married 9 yrs ago.
Sorry for the rant but I was unable to cry about it so here's what came out. Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Since this is the week leading up to the Easter weekend and because of that I decided to do a little homework and see how depressing all the goodies can be. When I was a member of W.W last year at this time my leader took the time to look up all the points values of the treats and post them at the meeting for all of us to see. So I am doing you all the favor (if you want to look at it that way) and here they are.
Peeps (sugar coated marshmallow ducks) 2pts for 5 ducks.
Malted candy (whoppers) 5pts for 1/2 for 56grams (about 10 candys)
Hershey marshmallow egg coated in chocolate 2pts for 1egg
Cadbury mini eggs 3pts for 1 small snack bag
Reese peanut butter egg 4pts for 1 egg
Individual chocolate eggs wrapped in foil 5pts for 6
Cadbury creme egg 4pts for 1
Mr Solid, Mr Munchy, Mr Fruit & Nut 20pts for the whole bunny.
So what are you going to choose for the holidays. Carrots are looking pretty good right now actually. What I want to know is what would you put in your kids baskets if you decided that you wanted to make this holiday a little healthier.
I have been blessed with some really skinny kids but that doesn't give me a free pass to load then up with crap just because there not big. I heard on the news the other day that the obesity rate in Canadian children has grown so much that if your child is obese they will have a shorter life expectancy then there parents. That makes me what to cry. I was a plump little girl and thank heaven I learned early enough to take better care of myself, but who's teaching our kids if we don't. Please lets all try to make Easter a little more healthy this year and remember when Christ was resurrected he didn't come with a Mr. Solid bunny in his hand.
Have a happy Easter and Enjoy all your family has to offer.
Monday, April 02, 2007
That was the meeting topic at my Weight Watcher meeting last week. I don't pick the topics they are assigned to us from Weight Watcher International that way if you cannot attend your regular meeting the topics are the same all over the world. Well it got me to thinking... Who really inspires me.
1) My mom and dad - for always beliving that I could do whatever I put my mind to and never discouraged me from acheiving my goals. There are many times in my life now that I could call my parents and say " I guess you were right I should have listened " but hey I just said it on the internet so that's good enough.
2) My Husband - For always trying to make me a better person even when I don't want to. It's because of his faith in me that I have accomplished some of my greatest acheivments and I love that even though he may use some tough love sometimes it's really because he loves me.
3) My kids - Because they love me unconditionaly and that is the greatest feeling you will ever experiance. I'm not a perfect mom but they think I am and that means I have a lot to live up too.
4) My Friends - I could spend days describing how each friend I have drives me to be a better person but I can sum it up by saying that I have the best friends anyone could ever have. We may all be different and even make each other crazy sometimes but they are always there and when I need someone I can always find a friend to make the world make sense.
5) My Weight Watcher Members - I have an amazing group of people who insire me to keep going every week. I think every single one of them are amazing and each week they overcome obstacles that a lot of people would give into. They are inspiring and beautiful and I love being with them each and every week.
If I missed anyone or anything I'm sorry but if you can take a moment have a thought about who inspires you and let me know maybe they can inspire the rest of us as well.
My clean house that only took an hour to clean because my hubby tidyed up Saturday and we did nothing on sunday.
Doing nothing on sunday for a change I think I actually got a day of a rest.
Being in my P.J's all say and not doing anything with myself for a change.
Having my hubby still hug me when I've done nothing with myself and I mean nothing.!
Watching my kids hug and snuggle on the floor and not bicker.
Hearing laughter at the dinner table when were all together.
Having girlfriends who just understand when it's unexplanable.
Clients who trust me and let my creative juices run wild on there hair.
I would have to say that my life in general is pretty good right now. I'm in a good place, I know there are lots of areas that need improvment but hey when the house is clean and the baby's are sleeping what else could you ask for.
Friday, March 30, 2007
I'd like to say that my son is brilliant and is going to be the next Doogie Howser but lets be honest he's got my genes and it's going to take some work to get to that point. But Mrs Nichol his kindergarten teacher said that he's doing so well and he's a joy to have in her class. What more could a mom ask for. He's liked amongst his peers, and he loves going to school. Is it strange that through the whole meeting all I wanted to cry because I was so proud of this little boy who has grown up way to fast. I know he's a smart, wonderful, kind boy but when you hear someone else tell you it just makes your heart swell. I just have to tell him how much I love him and how proud I am of him. I can't wait to watch him grow more and see this little boy become my little man.
It's true when you hear that expression. If your anyone who has ever moved away from home you know that sometimes going back to your roots doesn't always feel the same.
I went home to Vancouver B.C. this weekend to surprise my dad for his 60th birthday. We had such a good time. It was well worth the money to see the look on his face when we walked in the resturant. We being myself and my little girl. I remember my dad turning 40, my mom made a huge deal out of it and it was a ton of fun, but 50 was quite foggy for me. So when I realized this was 60 I knew I couldn't miss it.
The weekend started on friday night. Tracy and Jamie came up to Calgary on the friday night and had dinner and a visit until about 10pm then they and there kids and me and my baby packed up in the van and headed out for the long drive. And long it was. Jamie was amazing I couldn't have done that drive. We had everything from Rain, snow, white out conditions and very little clear sky. He did it though and we were sure glad to see the Abbotsford exit signs up ahead. The kids were perfect, they all slept through the night and made it a little easier.
My baby brother Scott picked me up in Sumas and took me back to his house, but not before he took me past our old house. A little history for you, I grew up in one house only and lived there from the time I was born until I got married. My parents sold that house about 4 yrs ago and moved permanatly to 100 mile house. It was an old farm house that really needed some love and attention, but it was home to me and I have soooo many wonderful memories from that dwelling. Well my house it is no more the new owners have magically changed it into something amazing. I won't bore you with the details but HOLY CRAP what a difference, and hat's off to them it looks great. That was my first hint that home was not the same. We arrived at Scotts and hung out and showered and changed into some clean clothes and headed out for some breakfast and shoppping. Then we met up with my dear friends Marcy & Tricia and had a great visit over a healthy lunch amongst wiggily babies and my screaming daughter. It was soooo good to see the girls and catch up again. It never seems to matter how long were apart we always have so much to share and being with them feels like home.
After a busy morning and a very long night we headed back to Scotts and had a great nap so we were rested up for the evening. Then we cleaned up and headed off to the birthday party and saw some old friends and family I hadn't seen in a very long time. Most of the people there had never seen my daughter and it was nice to show her off. She was so good and that made the evening even nicer. We later wandered over to some friends house to visit with mom and dad a little longer and when I started to fall asleep in the chair Scott took me home to bed.
Then next day was spent visiting more friends and enjoying some good weather. We had brunch and headed off to the beach to stroll along the pier. I was shocked at the sight of the water. It use to be nice place to play in the water as kids but that has all changed. The water was brown and gross and we stuck to dry land but the air was fresh and clean and that was great. Baby Girl stole my ice cream cone and enjoyed every lick she got. It was a wonderful afternoon. We said goodbye to mom and dad there and then headed off to a fair in Cloverdale and met up with more friends and took the kids of some amusement rides and that was hoot. I love to watch my kids scream with glee and fright all at the same times. Both of my kids love rides and nothing seems to faze them.
We then wandered off to see more friends who offered to let the baby sleep at there place while Scott and I went to see a movie and enjoy some time together without any distraction from her. Monday morning we were up bright and early and off to the airport to head home to Calgary and The flight was great and we had no problems getting in right on time.
It was a great trip and very fast, but I saw a ton of people and caught up with everyone I wanted to. As we drove around my old neighborhoods it was very clear to me that I would be so lost if I moved home. Sure I would adjust but it doesn't feel the same anymore. Calgary is my home and I love it here. I miss my friends terribly and if I could buy them all homes here I would and then I could have the best of both worlds. I will never stop being amazed at how fast life changes around us, and yet I love how my life is ever changing and ever amazing.
Happy Birthday Daddy and here's to 60 more. (If anyone could do it you could. Unless the bears eat you first HA HA)
Friday, March 23, 2007
Now you know your a mom when your child does something that would have totally groosed you out as a young adult, but as a mom your over the moon.
Just to back up a bit, I decided in January I would bring down my potty from storage and give it a wash and show it to my my youngest who was a mere 18 months at that point. I wasn't asking for miracles just giving her something to think about. She has an older brother who she alway's follows into the bathroom anyway so why not give the option. Well she loved to sit on it and everytime I went in to conduct my business she would join me. The only catch was she refused to take off her diaper. To actually sit on a cold seat was just to much for her precious bottom. Well today she told me she had to "pooppy on the potty" my usual reaction was "whatever" but she insisted and so I let her into the bathroom. I asked if she wanted to go and she said yes and headed to the potty. So I took a chance and removed her pants and undershirt (the kind with buttons) and then I took off her diaper. To my suprise she was actually starting to poop and when the diaper came off she sat right down and you'll never belive it she actually did it.
MY BABY POOPED ON THE POTTY!! I am beside myself with joy and yes I know it may not happen again for another year but hey it was momentous for me and we made a huge deal out of it and she was quite elated to recieve her candy treat afterwards.
It's these little moments that give me hope that there is a light at the end of a very long poppy tunnel. Here's hopin' for more perfect moments.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Real Mom's Have No Problem With What May Come Out Of Our Mouth's!
I have learned through my many years experiance that I am actually a really gross person and I don't care who knows. I say a real mom is someone who canbe gross and whos' kids think that's funny and husband will still sleep with them afterwards so here I am in all my glory. Love me or leave me. A real mom will never turn down a dare no matter how nasty or disgusting and will never be out done by a boy no matter how old.
So now I'm supposed to Tag 5 other people who are to find us a picture of what a real mom is, so I say Marcy, Tricia, Tracy, Tag your it. I am so pathetic that I don't know 2 other people who can tag so if you feel sorry for me then jump on the wagon and let's see what you got.

Well now that I can put up pictures there's no stopping me, wish me luck!
Friday, March 16, 2007
One of the hardest things about being a parent is having to disipline your children. Not only do you need to find a punishment fitting to the crime you also need to be more and more creative each time so they don't get the desire to keep commiting the same crimes.
Well my son was caught with the evidence in hand ( or mouth as the case may be ). My hubby is a HUGE computer geek. He likes to play a game on the computer called Battlefield ( purchased by my mom Thanks alot ) and he has gotten quite involved with it. He has a set of headphones with a microphone attached so that when he is online he can chat with the other nerds while they play. Well my son has taken to wearing the headphones while he play's his games on the computer. This is ok with us but it turn's out he has also taken to chewing on the microphone. No he was not raised by dogs but he has inherited a nasty habit from his mom. Yes I to am a chewer. Well in any such case he has now broken and fryed the microphone and to say the least his dad was not very pleased. I'm very proud of my hubby though he stayed calm and didn't yell, spank or any other of the usual reactions most parents have when they find something valuable broken. He had a good chat with our boy and asked me if I would help come up with an appropriate punishment. Well after much pondering here's what I came up with....
As of right now he is responsible for paying back his dad the money used for purchsing the headphones. He will do 3 additional chores to his regular load and when each said chore is done I will give him $1.00, until he has $50.00 saved. That money will then go to replacing his dads toy.
He must do the following chores that are usually his dads responsiblity's each and everyday...
1: Clean out the cat litter everyday.
2: Do the dinner dishes with Sally (our little tenant) every night.
3: Clean the two living rooms every night before bed.
To a 5 year old it's a mountain of chores, especially when he still has to feed the cat's twice a day, clean his room everyday, and help set the table each night for dinner. Call me cruel but hey for the most part he's a pretty great kid. I think I'm doing all right with this one. If only I could find the manual for his sister. I'm not a perfect mom but I'm doing the best the kind and if you ever meet all my dayhome kids you hopefully would agree I'm not bad. Yes I'm a little arrogant but hey you spend as much time with this many little people and you would toot your own horn once in awhile as well.
Happy parenting!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Ever since I gave birth to my beautiful little girl I have turned into the biggest b*%# ever. I was fine after my son but with her I'm not sure what happened. My period is normal but the week before I am such a bag!!!!
Heaven help my family for when Mama's not happy ain't nobody happy! God bless my husband yesterday for being smart enough to just wrap his arms around me and hug me and say nothing at all after I almost put my fist through the wall. And yes I can do that now. 9 yrs of marriage and two baby's later I'm much more open about my feelings. Thankfully that's why I have diet pop and girlfriends who love me no matter what. Also a hubby who alway's knows when I need a little girl time.
My kids are really good to ( all 6 of them ) they just seem to know when I need them to be exceptionally well behaved and they do a great job. Don't get me wrong I have a wonderful life and an amazing family but I am still a woman and when my hormones start rushing get out of my way. Would I rather be man, heck no! Would I want there jobs NO. Although sometimes I think that would be easier then having my 3 jobs and running a home all the time. But hey I think I do a pretty good job. Just cause I look hot in the pants doesn't mean I don't like trading them in for a cute little flared mini sometimes.
Don't worry my friends I purchased a box of Midol and I'm good to go. If all else fails take pills right? How do you deal with your PMS?
If any of my readers are not Mormom (such as myself) you may think I'm totally crazy but I found something I've been without for a very long time. You better be sitting for this. I found Caffeine Free Iced Tea made with Slenda at Wal-mart last night. It's in the little packages for your water bottle and they are flavored ( I bought Tangerine ) I am in love right now. I havn't had Iced Tea in years and it's the one thing I miss the most since I joined the church. I don't miss beer, or smoking and wasn't into anything illegal, but iced tea was a favorite. Well deprived I am no more. And It's made with Splenda so it's Weight Watcher friendly. I was so excited to actually drink water today and that hasn't happened for a long time. I even like it more then my diet pepsi and I didn't think that was possible.
You know it's the little things that make life work for me. I let you know what other finds I come across. I did come across some berries and creme Dr Pepper and it's not that great. I prefer the cherry vanilla much better but hey I can say I gave it a shot. On a scale of 10 it's a 5-6.
Monday, March 05, 2007
This weekend we had the privledge of having the Brown family come and spend the weekend with us. I have forgotten what 4 boy's in one house canbe like and it reminded me that my house is not as big as I would one day like to have. We had sooooo much fun. Tracy's middle boy was turning 5 and we were able to celebrate his birthday with him. How much fun!!! As you all know I love to make birthday cakes and No I am not the fancyest or best but I still love to try. We made Keagan a "Sword" cake. You know like Knights and stuff. It was pretty fun and the boy's loved it. Then the dad's took them to the monster truck show and let us mom's have a break. It was mucho fun and I know the boy's really enjoyed each other. After they all left my son asked if he could send Keagan a letter telling him how much fun he had and asked me to mail it. (will be mailed today Tracy)
I love our visits with the Tracy and Jamie. We had som much history and so many fond memories (some of which I need to remind them of due to some peoples short memories Ha Ha). Jamie booked us girls our trip to Florida on saturday. Yee Haw. 5 days with no kids, husbands or work to take of. If you know how crazy my life is you would really appreciate that. I can't wait to be in the sun and shop and hang out with no responsibilitys at all. We have a good group going down and it will be soooooo much fun.
On of the promises I made myself this year was to have a little more fun and this will be a great way to start. Oh and our shopping spree at Value Village on saturday was a good way to kick it off as well. Thanks Tracy for more great memories and I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks for our pre-florida weekend. Stay tuned for the post on that bad boy.
Well laundry awaits and then I'm off to tend to the babes. Have a great day.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
It has recently come to my attention that a very good friend of mine has been misinformed that she is thought of by someone as something she is not. I won't go into detail but I have a few thoughts on how I feel about the friendships I've made.
Growing up I never really made a whole lot great friends, I was not very popular and really not very well liked because of whatever reasons. I grew up in the era where material things meant alot more to young kids then they ever should have. Fortunatly though as I approached young womenhood there were some wonderful people who were ready and willing to be there for me through thick and thin. Part of me want's to tell you about each and everyone of them but I could be here for hours and who knows what the kids could to the house in that time.
Let's group some of you together. Tricia and Marcy. You guys have been with me through school, many boyfriends until we found the right one's, weddings, baby's, moving away and so many other little things in between. You know me well and even though I only see you once a year now, when we are together it's like time waits for those moments. I love that no matter what you were there for me and no matter what you alway's will be. You are both kind and loving and think only of others when your needed. I love you.
Jenny you are my saving grace. When I need you, you are 110% there for me. You keep me sane and never do you make me irritated or annoyed. Our kids are close and that makes our friendship even more better. You are the sister I should have had and not just because your mom is crazy. I love our 12 phone calls a day and even when they are only 30 sec. long. I would not make through my long day's without you. I love you.
Tracy, you know things about me that no one else knows. You have seen me grow as a latterday saint in ways no one could. You have been my example and my strength for so many years. Your family is like my own and I wouldn't be the person I am today without you and them. You make me a far trendier mom then I would ever be on my own. You bling me up when I am all frumped out and I havn't worn my overalls since you looked at me with such disapointment that day Ha Ha. You are beautiful and wonderful and I love how you glow with that spirit. I still have never seen a more beautiful bride than you were on your wedding day and I have seen alot of brides, but none that shone with your light. I love you.
Tina and Mary, you two are the reason God brought me to Calgary. We have needed each other in may ways and I am honered to know you two and your family's. You are me family out here and I would be so lonely if it wasn't for your friendships. We have been through more things in 4 yrs then I have been through in 30 yrs, and that is know exageration. I love you both for your courage and strength and hope that you will always turn to me in your hour of need as I know I have turned to you guys in mine. I love you.
As for the rest of you girls, I love all of you. I have been blessed by so many wonderful women in my life that it's hard to put all I want to say in words. Thank you for letting me ramble on and when I am old and gray, well old anyway, I can look back on these words and remember how loved I really am.
Thank you!
Well I finally did it!
I got brave enough to actually paint a room in my house. My daughters room was my first attempt at designing and I have to say I did an awesome job. Her room is now a beautiful shade of Lavender that we found in a mistint pile at Canadian tire for $10.00. Then I stenciled all the young women values (faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge choice and accountability, good works and integrity) all around the top of the room. Above her closet though it say's " A daughter of God " with the values following after. They are all painted a light pink with a dark pink outline. Then I stamped (yes that's right marcy and tricia I stamped) daisy's all around on either side of each phrase. Then I got white curtains and hung them in her window and tied them with some pink ribbon so you can still see out the window. I am in love with this room. It feels so feminine and girly. and I hope when she's older she can appreciate the wisdom in the words that will surround her. It's my first attempt at being really creative with our home and I LOVED IT!!! I can't wait to do another project now and hone in on my painting skills. I think I'm scaring my hubby though. I did get a few spots of purple on the ceiling but my touch up work was pretty dang good. Now I need to my son's room and I'm envisioning the colors of Spiderman. I won't do a spiderman themed room. but red and blue would be pretty cool, and the blue would match his bed perfectly, but I guess I should let him have say seeing as he is 5 yrs old and will probably have an opinion of his own. Curse you independence I miss the day's when I could think for them. Oh well as soon as I take some pictures of baby girls room I will post them for all to see. And if for some weird reason you don't like it keep it to yourself I like the my happy bubble just the way it is. Ha Ha
Monday, February 12, 2007
If you want to call 5 days of straight snow paradise. Don't get me wrong I love this city but Holy Crap the snow is getting old. Yes Yes I know we havn't had much this year but it's a good thing we havn't cause I'd probably lose my mind. It's pretty to look at but if I hafe to sweep the snow off my steps one more time today I'm gonna lose it.
Well now that my rant is over, it's been a pretty good day thus far. The house is almost clean, the laundry is half done and I stole an hour to cuddle with my baby girl and snooze in the rocking chair. I really don't have anything profound to say but I thought that if I don't get something down while I have a moment I may never see the light of the computer again.
I did have the opportunity to have a date with my hubby on friday night. We do try to fit each other on once in awhile but life tends to get in the way so much. Well much to my surprise he made a reservation at a quaint little italian resturant and we had a wonderful dinner. The food was amazing, I love the Olive Garden but the portions here put them to shame. It was soooo good even hubby couldn't finish his and had to pack it up to bring home. (first time in 10 yrs I've seen him do that) It was nice to dress up and be a grown up for a change. I must add that I was quite hot, so hot in fact I turned myself on staring at me. I have discovered the wondrous world of the corset. No lady's they are not only good for getting him riled up in a bad way, but my waist shrunk and my belly was as flat as it was before I got married and popped out 2 kids. I was GORGEOUS!!!! I like to think of myself as fairly humble but hey I am allowed to let loose once in awhile.
My children are wonderful, my son is growing up too fast for me, but I have learned that he still loves to cuddle under a blanket with his mom and watch cartoons on a sunday afternoon. My little girl is becoming quite the little girl. She has a new love of sitting on my lap while I do my hair on sunday morning and then she will let me curl hers. She has the straightest hair ever and when it's curly she looks just like me when I was her age. She melts my heart and wraps her daddy ever tighter around that little finger of hers.
So I guess snow and all my world is pretty good, even a little like paradise sometimes. We are heading off to Edmonton this weekend for some hair and family time. The best part will be that we are arriving on friday which is Tracy Browns birthday and we will be off to celebrate once we arrive. YEE HAW. It's always fun when us girls get together and this will be no exception.
See ya then.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
We all say were not going to set resolutions, but we will set goals, or a plan or just try to do better this year at whatever it is needs to be better. I've got news for you, no matter what you call it, it's still a resolution. We guess what I'm in there like a dirty shirt.
Goal #1: Remove as much debt as possible
Goal #2: Lose 10 Lbs (again)
Goal #3: Possibly have another baby
Goal #4: Not work myself into the ground (oops to late)
Goal #5: Spend more time with my hubby (see I can't even remember his name)
They are typical resolutions but hey I'm a pretty typical girl. So if you have any tips for any of them pleeeesssseee let me know I need all the help I can get.
What are your plan for the new year let me know and let me help.
Yes folks that's right I am 30 years old now and I am hot. I had a great birthday this year. Probably the best I've had in years. My wonderful friend Jen the mom, planned a swinging party at a pub here in the NW, it was not the pub she was thinking of but you know what it was just what we all needed after a week with sick kids. We watched a couple of hockey games, shot some pool, did some karaoke. It was a blast. We did have a party pooper in our midst but that pooper left and we resumed our good time. I havn't laughed so hard ever in my life. Tara even got the bartender to make me a virgin shooter. A muff diver if you can belive it. For those who are unsure, you take a very large martini glass and place a shot glass inside. My shooter this evening was Coke and Grenadine, then you fill the whole thing up with whipping cream and bury the shot glass. My job was to stick my face inside the martini glass and dig out the shot glass with my tongue and shot er back. Well a drink virgin I may be but a tongue one I am not and I was quite successfull in finding said shot glass. It was a riot.
It was sooo much fun, and I am so grateful to have a friend like Jen who would take the time plan such a great night for me. I have been so richly blessed with friends in my life. I may not have any real sisters but the women in my life make it complete. Thank you Jen for making 30 a little less painful then it could have been, you just wait till yours, you ain't seen nothin'.
Soooooo Sorry for the delay but my life has turned into the dayhome, hair salon, Weight Watcher world of crazyness. Don't get me wrong I love my life but holy crap what have I gotten myself into.
Well for anyone who may be wondering we had an amazing christmas. My whole family was here and it's been 4 years since we were all together ove the holidays.
First Nana and Papa arrived with Tara and her three kids in tow. Then Donn and Brandi and Emma-lee showed up two days later, and Scott arrived two days after that. Our home was full and fortunatly so was our fridge. Everyone came happy and healthy and my chlidren made sure to share all there germs with the Emma (10 months) and she came down with her first cold. I felt like the worst aunty in the world but fortunalty for me she loved me best and it was non stop kisses for aunty. She is the cutest little thing I have ever seen. My kids are definalty cute but Emma is a jewel and I can't wait to watch her grow.
We didn't stray to far from home to often, it's amazing how much work it is to herd that many people out the door in the morning. Church was a feat in itself, but yes my whole family went to church with me and it was soooo wonderful to have the spirit surround us all together. We did manage to get to the zoo and the kids were perfect, we went to banff on christmas eve, we did lots of shopping. Nana and Papa were in a spending mood and spoiled all of us the whole visit. Our evenings were full of Karaoke and cards and more laughter then I've had in a long time. I love being with my family and especially my brothers. We are so different yet we can laugh at the same things and also at ourselve's. I really wanted to show my big brother how grown up I really am. That I can keep a home, a job, kids, and a hubby and still keep my sanity. I don't know why I've never grown out of wanted to impress him but I havn't and I guess I will always be that way. I look up to him and love him and just want him to know I'm o.k. My baby brother I just want to take care of, he has been my best friend for most of my life and alot of my favorite memories are of him and I doing really simple things and mostly just being there for each other. I would do anything for both of them and I know those feelings are returned.
Now my sister in law, I need to live closer to. She is so freekin funny. She comes across as quiet and shy but that is just a cover, she can be loud and hold her own in a poker game. She is a famtastic mom and a great wife to my brother. I loved giving her a makeover at 10 at night. There's nothing like removing facial hair from the ones you love. She got plucked, dyed, cut and streaked all in one night and it was sooooo much fun. She looked awesome. I can't for our next visit so we can re-live and make new memories together.
It was also great to see Tara and the kids again and see how much the kids have grown and changed. It was also a shock to see how much tara shrunk. Skinny cow lost 45 lbs and never told me she had till she got here and suprised us all. She looked hot and I forgot how much I missed our talks and visits. It was also really fun to chop all of her and Britt's hair off. I never get tired of that!!
All in all it was a fabulous holiday and I look forward to the next one but holy crap am I glad it's a whole year from now.