Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Resolutions, Resolutions, Resolutions!!

We all say were not going to set resolutions, but we will set goals, or a plan or just try to do better this year at whatever it is needs to be better. I've got news for you, no matter what you call it, it's still a resolution. We guess what I'm in there like a dirty shirt.

Goal #1: Remove as much debt as possible
Goal #2: Lose 10 Lbs (again)
Goal #3: Possibly have another baby
Goal #4: Not work myself into the ground (oops to late)
Goal #5: Spend more time with my hubby (see I can't even remember his name)

They are typical resolutions but hey I'm a pretty typical girl. So if you have any tips for any of them pleeeesssseee let me know I need all the help I can get.

What are your plan for the new year let me know and let me help.


Jen said...

My plan is to get skinny and hang out on a beach somewhere in Southern France. Can you help?

Anonymous said...

ohhhh a baby??? well maybe you need to spend more time with the least 5 min. hahahahahahahha.

ok I am so funny!

Glad to see you blogging again!

Ive missed you?

Anonymous said...

She is ALIVE,
Let's see I am doing #1, #2 + a few, #3 is not coming this year (you first), #4 well the mom job does not allow for time off, #5 I think his name starts with S.

Wow 3 blog entries in one day... you go girl.

Sure miss ya!!
Love Marcy