Saturday, November 17, 2007


I can't belive this is is happening but I actually got back on my blog. I have been unable to get here for months. It would never let me sign on and now here I am. I am totally stunned. In fact I am speechless and that is a first.

I havn't been here since May and a lot has happened. My baby girl turned 2 in june, my hubby turned 35 in June, we did a little camping in july and saw the sights around town. One of my dayhome kids lost his dad very suddenly to cancer in August and that was really hard. He is no longer comming to our home as his mom had to put him in a registered dayhome so she could get subsidy. Our basement troll Sally moved out at the end of August and good friends came to visit. My mom and dad came out also for a visit and my mom is now 50lbs lighter and SMOKIN' HOT. My son started grade 1 and is gone from me all day. I have no more dayhome kids except for 1 little girl in grade with my son and it's only after school for a couple of hours. Yahoo!!! I lead 3 meetings a week now for Weight Watchers all on Wednesday. My baby girl and I are together all day and love our time alone. I get to go to the gym at least 3 times a week now and I am loving that. I went to England for ten days with one of my best friends Tracy and we had an amazing time. I have to travel to edmonton at least every 5-6 weeks now for hair, I am that busy (thanks to tracy and renea). Craig and Mary had a baby last friday and he is gorgeous and we couldn't be happier for them. Tracy also had hers, so did Allison, Adrianna, and now we are waiting for Jen the Mom to have hers. Keep up the good work friends, the more you do the less attention gets put on me.

Life is pretty crazy but it's my life and I love it. People are always telling me to slow down and not work so much but I think if I did I would probably die, (of boredom at least)
Well I am just so excited to be here again and I will return very soon.

I hope some one reads this and missed me if not well that will teach me to be away for so long.



Jen said...

oooh, oooh, I missed you and I like what you've done with the place. Very chocolatey.

You know, when you write out the past couple months like that, in one paragraph, it's obvious I haven't been paying much attention.

Holy crap a lot has happened lately!

Anonymous said...

Ha i thought i would check just in case, if you were blogging again. HORRAY, i have missed you.

Trust me honey the attention is always on you tee hee. #3 is really AWESOME come on take the plunge.

Thanks for you comments on my blog they were a real ego boost, something I am always in need of.

TTFN. Love ya my Eternal Friend.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, Welcome back. I have missed you. I think that you should write more often. Tracy

SAH in Suburbia said...

Welcome back! Glad to see you're still tickin' along!!