Monday, April 02, 2007

Things that make me happy right now!

My clean house that only took an hour to clean because my hubby tidyed up Saturday and we did nothing on sunday.

Doing nothing on sunday for a change I think I actually got a day of a rest.

Being in my P.J's all say and not doing anything with myself for a change.

Having my hubby still hug me when I've done nothing with myself and I mean nothing.!

Watching my kids hug and snuggle on the floor and not bicker.

Hearing laughter at the dinner table when were all together.

Having girlfriends who just understand when it's unexplanable.

Clients who trust me and let my creative juices run wild on there hair.

I would have to say that my life in general is pretty good right now. I'm in a good place, I know there are lots of areas that need improvment but hey when the house is clean and the baby's are sleeping what else could you ask for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CHOCOLATE makes me happy right now!!