Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I Struck Liquid Gold!

If any of my readers are not Mormom (such as myself) you may think I'm totally crazy but I found something I've been without for a very long time. You better be sitting for this. I found Caffeine Free Iced Tea made with Slenda at Wal-mart last night. It's in the little packages for your water bottle and they are flavored ( I bought Tangerine ) I am in love right now. I havn't had Iced Tea in years and it's the one thing I miss the most since I joined the church. I don't miss beer, or smoking and wasn't into anything illegal, but iced tea was a favorite. Well deprived I am no more. And It's made with Splenda so it's Weight Watcher friendly. I was so excited to actually drink water today and that hasn't happened for a long time. I even like it more then my diet pepsi and I didn't think that was possible.

You know it's the little things that make life work for me. I let you know what other finds I come across. I did come across some berries and creme Dr Pepper and it's not that great. I prefer the cherry vanilla much better but hey I can say I gave it a shot. On a scale of 10 it's a 5-6.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm not going to judge you and for your info. There are some people in my ward who have been approved to have green tea. Yes thats right green tea and the bishop and stake pres are fully aware and they still get their temple recomend. Do what you feel comfortable with

Anonymous said...

Just you nobody thinks I'm some heathen I was very aware of the ingrediants and the info I am given is that it contains ONLY de-caf tea. Regular old de-caf tea, so think me as you may folks but I'm going to enjoy at my leisure.
