Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tooting My Own Horn!!

I want to take a moment to let you know I do not have a self esteem problem. Today I'm feeling like I'm a pretty great person. I feel the need to boost my own ego.

I am a great wife and mom to my family. My husband is very lucky to have me. I cook, I clean, I take care of our kids, I work from home and have also worked outside the home. I bend over backward to be a good friend to everyone in my life and think I do a pretty good job of it. Today I made my husband his favorite pie for dessert "just because" and let me tell you it was awesome. I'm planning on making cookies for a pregnant friend tomorrow and today I also made extra supper for a friend so when she picked up her son tonight she wouldn't have to go home and do it herself. I do these things not for praise but because I love all the people in my life. Now for those of you who don't know me don't you wish you did. Please don't think I'm arrogant but as most stay at home mom's know we don't always get the regonition we deserve. So here I am deciding I could rot away and die before any may come my way, so I'm giving it to myself.


Think whatever you like about me now but I'm feeling pretty good. Now I'm going to try and work off that pound I put on this weekend. See Ya


Devynn said...


You rock! You are awesome! It is great to have good self esteem! Your hubby and kids are lucky to have you!

Good luck on the working off that pound too -- but you look great to me!


Jen said...

You're a dork!

(You know I love you babe, but someone has to keep you humble.)