Monday, February 13, 2006

Big number's baby!!!

Well here we are, another week of watching what I eat and daydreaming of rolling around in mountains of chocolate fudge and marshmallow creme and eating my weight in it. Well I wasn't that bad, but I do have my weak moments. Like when I was making the chocoalte suckers and all I wanted to do was lick the entire pot clean then eat all our hard work as fast as I could so as not to be caught. Even though the temptations were there I still came out a whopping 3lbs lighter. I'm sitting at a lushious 165lbs. I'm rather proud of myself actually. I didn't get a chance to excersice last week the evenings just slipped away for one reason or another, and now I'm suffering from a cold so lovingly given to me by my 4yr old. So who knows if I'll get any activity in this week either. I have to say though, it's a real struggle to watch others around me be able to eat as they please and not have these same struggles. I know most of my friends are very conscious of what they put in there bodies, but when you have to study the nutritional value of everything you what to eat, it tends to take the joy out of eating somedays. Especially when your home all day and you walk past the fridge about one million times a day and all you want to do is eat the entire container of cool whip without any sexual thoughts invloved you just want to eat its fluffly goodness and make an entire pig of yourself. Can you tell I have food issues??

On a different note, I must apologize for my pity party yesterday. You can always tell when I havn't gotten out much and need a little down time. I'm going to make a point of having some this weekend, with a very close friend.

Well until I have something else exciting to share, I'll catch ya later!!!!

1 comment:

Alyson said...

Three pounds thats great. You know there is a plan out there called the ultimate sex diet so if you can't get out to exercise you could just "stay in". Or you could do deep squats as you fold laundry and pull it out of the drier. I do understand no down time though. Good luck and go drink some water. That reminds me gotta go and drink mine.
