Monday, October 02, 2006

I Blame The School For This!

My Son was complaining about a sore ear on saturday and I thought nothing about it, then yesterday he woke up with a slimey green eye. Can you guess what disease he has now. That's right you guessed it, Pink Eye. Even though it's more green then pink right now, that's what they are calling it. Not to mention the disgusting ear infection that caused the eye problem in the first place. Can it get any better. I blame school for this I know that it's not directly there fault but better them then me right. I didn't give him any of this, so which little minion with the dirty fingers did. Luckly for me Liam actually enjoy's being medicated and the drops don't bother him at all. He loves the doctor and was quite insistent that I take him to the clinic last night. I wasn't moving fast enough for him. Anything to be the center of attention wonder where he get's from??

Now it's Monday morning and I woke up to a beautiful snow fall this morning. I love waking up to white, and no that's not sarcasm. Growing up in Vancouver white was something you only saw once a year and the whole city would shut down. Now White is just part of my everyday life this time of year and it doesn't bother me at all. We had a beautiful summer and a short but lovely fall and now it's time for old jack frost to come a nipping. The only thing that I did realize this morning is that my poor baby girl has no winter coat. So off to the mall we go this morning to try and find one. I've waited many years to try and find just the right pastel pink or purple coat with hopefully a little faux fur on it to dazzle and woo all that are in her presense. Perhaps we will be able to find a matching pair of boot to accompany it. How lame am I but hey I only to get to dress her for ashort period of time and I'm going to froof her up till she's vocal enough to say no. Wish me luck and if your child has been any where near mine in the last four days keep a close watch on there eye's to. Sorry!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You're so cute Tam! I love the idea of Kelsey in faux fur coat and boots. That would melt anyone's heart.

By the way, don't worry about David. I'm glad for the time away from craziness.