Saturday, January 21, 2006

last night a few of us mom's decided that we needed an evening away from hubby's and babies. So off to the Cheesecake cafe we went and had a fabulous time, giggling and laughing and bonding as only women can do over rich dessert and great appy's. I love my time with my family and my husband is truly my favorite companion, but there's something very special about time with the girls. Your husband may love you unconditionly but he doesn't want to relive your labour story's, your waxing experiances, and share old boyfriend moments. Your girlfriends on the hand do and they enjoy reliving those moments with you. It's funny though how whenever a group of women get together it almost always revolves around food, and not just cheese and crackers but the kind of food that makes you fat just looking at it. Then we sit there and talk about our baby weight and love handles and shove another spoonful of cheesecake banana split into our mouths. I love that about women. When we moved to Calgary 2 years ago I thought adjusting would be hard, but as I sat around the table last night with 9 women ( 4 of which I just met) I felt truly blessed to be with them. My friends back home are un-replacable and our memories are near and dear to me, but the memories and friends that I'm making here are wonderful too. I have made some truly dear friends who look out for me on a daily basis and I don't know what I would do without them. They keep me laughing and are always willing to be the sound board when I need to vent. I know I was brought to this city for a reason and I can't think of a better place to live and couldn't ask for better influences to be around. I also have a wonderful man to support these friendships and encourage me to get out and have some fun and I can be at peace knowing he's at home with our babies. I am definatly looking forward to the next outing we embark upon and hope it's sooner then later. See you soon!


Jen said...

Come on, you know you were brought to Calgary to keep me sane. Admit it.

Anonymous said...

a girls night with out me?? HOW COULD YOU! ...Im so glad you had a nice time....I'll keep checking back to read your blog.

LOve and miss you


Anonymous said...

Way to go Girlfriend , welcome to the world of blogging. Make sure you check mine out on myspace through messanger. I guess I am one of those eager friends to grow her family, but don't worry you will get there. ha ha ha. I truly love being a mom and I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for that privilage. I look forward to reading more of your blog. Hey, and make sure you have some cheesecake for me sometime. MISS YA!! Love Marcy