Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Miss Me!!!

Surprise! I'm still here, just barely but I'm back now. It's been a crazy couple of weeks and I don't even have anything super exciting to share. I know I havn't weighed-in in a long time either and for that I am truly sorry, especially to dear Alison who has been so diligent, sorry babe, I promise to do better. I realized last week that trying to lose weight on my own ( even with all the cyber help ) I just can't do it. I finally conceded defeat and went back to weight watchers. I re-joined with a friend and have actually had a pretty good week I thought. We'll see what the scales say tomorrow when I weigh in. It was really good to see all the girls I used to work with there and it's nice to be missed. Hopefully this attempt at regaining my once girlish figure ( or at least seeing my pants do up without the ever growing bulge ) will be more successful.

Liam has started skating lessons and is enjoying himself very much. The first lesson was a rough one and he came home a little frustrated and sporting a lovely black bruise on his hinney from landing on his skate ( OUCH ) I went and watched him today though and he's starting to catch on. At least now he stands up on his own when he does bail. It's fun to watch him learn it's like watching him learn to walk all over again, only this time it's acceptable to wear the crash helmet and elbow pads. I remember being a kid and if you had a helmet on it usually meant you were one of the "special" kids. Now it's mandatory that they all wear safety gear. Good thing to, I remember smashing my head into the ice many, many times and it's no wonder the kids are smarter then we ever were, it's amazing we can even see out of both eyes and talk in complete sentences. I think the best part about the whole skating thing is, all the time he's spending with his dad. It's a great thing to see them both out there laughing and learning together.

I also am taking a course in something new. I am taking a Yoga class every tuesday night for 7 weeks. Let me tell you how unflexible I really am.It's fun though. I must admit I am really seeing my age now though. I am approaching 30 this year and the old body is starting to lose it's spring. For those of you who don't know the lingo, we seem to spend a lot of time is a paticular postion called downward facing dog and when you are bent over completly and your butt it way up in the air and your blowing out all your bad air it's kinda hard to not blow your bad air out of places you would rather not when there is an innocent bystander right behind you. Needless to say Chili before Yoga, not a good plan. There's something you don't read about everyday. All in all though I do find it really relaxing and feel like my chi, or yen or whatever you call it is in a good place when I come home.

Well now I must retire so as to prepare for another fun filled day tomorrow. See you soon.


Devynn said...

You are hilarious!!!! I almost peed my pants reading that! (Much easier to do now that I have a baby head lodged down so far!)

Devynn said...

And, Tammy, Brian needs a haircut and I lost your number, can you email it to me?


Thanks ;)